Preparation of Alkaline Battery Separator with Polyolefin Fibers by Using Wet-laid Process
关键词:  聚丙烯纤维  ES纤维  湿法成形  隔膜  热压  磺化
Key Words:polypropylene fiber  polyethylene/polypropylene bicomponent fiber  wet-laid process  battery separator  hot pressing  sulfonation
张丙旭 天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津科技大学造纸学院天津300457 
侯庆喜* 天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津科技大学造纸学院天津300457 
刘 苇 天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津科技大学造纸学院天津300457 
梁志辉 天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津科技大学造纸学院天津300457 
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摘要:以聚丙烯纤维和聚乙烯/聚丙烯双组分皮芯结构(ES)纤维为原料,采用湿法成形工艺制备匀度高、质量高的碱性电池隔膜。通过调节湿法成形和热压条件改变隔膜的内部结构,采用磺化处理方法使隔膜具有吸碱性,探索湿法成形工艺制备聚烯烃碱性电池隔膜的优化工艺。结果表明,隔膜成形的最佳热压压力和热压温度分别为0.5 MPa和135℃,纤维之间形成了多接触点的熔融结合,隔膜手抄片强度上升;聚氧化乙烯(PEO)用量为1.5%、聚乙烯醇(PVA)用量为4%和ES纤维用量为40%时,可以获得匀度和机械强度较好的隔膜;磺化后的隔膜成功接枝上磺酸基,使隔膜具备较强的亲水性。自制碱性电池隔膜的性能均符合行业标准GJB3535(1999)的要求。
Abstract:The polypropylene (PP) fibers and polyethylene/polypropylene bicomponent sheathcore structure (i.e., ethylene propylene side by side, ES) fibers were used as raw materials, and good formation and high quality alkaline battery separators were prepared by using the wet-laid process. The internal structure of the separators was changed by adjusting the wet-laid process and the temperature as well pressure in hot pressing process, then using concentrated sulfuric acid as sulfonation agent to treat the battery separator in order to improve the hydrophilicity of the separators. The optimum process of preparing the polyolefin alkaline battery separators by using wet-laid process was explored. The results showed that the optimum hot pressing pressure and hot pressing temperature were 0.5 MPa and 135℃, respectively. Because the effective bonding between fibers of the handsheet was improved, the tensile strength of the handsheet was increased. When the dosage of PEO and PVA were 1.5% and 4% (on oven dry fibers), respectively, and the content of the ES fibers was 40%, the alkaline battery separators with well formation and high quality could be obtained.The sulfonic acid groups were successfully grafted on the battery separators after sulfonation treatment, which made the separators possessed strong hydrophilicity. The performance of resulted separators could meet the industrial requirement of an alkaline battery separator.
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