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槟榔壳原料及制浆性能研究 |
Raw Material Analysis and Pulping Properties Study of Areca-nut |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.09.008 |
关键词: 槟榔壳 化学组成 制浆性能 纤维形态 |
Key Words:areca-nut chemical composition pulping property fiber morphology |
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摘要点击次数: 6566 |
全文下载次数: 1966 |
摘要:分析了槟榔壳原料的化学组成、制浆性能、槟榔壳纸浆的纤维形态、漂白及其纸张的物理性能,为槟榔壳纤维资源的合理利用提供技术数据。结果表明,槟榔壳原料木素含量较高(Klason木素含量为30.05%)、纸浆纤维较短(数均长度0.38~0.43 mm,长均长度0.52~0.58 mm,质均长度0.65~0.71 mm)、卡伯值较高(33.8~73.3)、ClO2漂白浆白度为21.7%~31.4%,白度提高不大,因此槟榔壳原料不适合生产漂白浆。而槟榔壳纸浆所抄纸张的抗张指数、撕裂指数、耐破指数、环压指数均高于用废纸浆所生产的A级瓦楞原纸的物理性能,由此认为槟榔壳纸浆适合生产瓦楞原纸等包装用纸。 |
Abstract:The chemical composition and pulping properties of areca-nut, the fiber morphology and bleaching of areca-nut pulp and the physical properties of the paper sheets were analyzed and studied in order to provided technical data for the rational use of areca-nut as fiber resource. The results showed that areca-nut contained higher acid insoluble lignin(30.05%), the fiber length of areca-nut pulp was shorter.The difficulty of bleaching was due to high levels of acid insoluble lignin.The physical properties of the paper made of the areca-nut pulp were higher than the Grade A corrugating medium of national standard. Areca-nut was not suitable for producing bleached pulp and it could be used as part of the furnish for producing packaging paper such as corrugating medium. |
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