Forensic Differentiation of Electrostatic Copy Paper by SEM-EDX
关键词:  扫描电镜 电子能谱仪  图像处理  静电复印纸  纸张鉴别
Key Words:SEM-EDX  picture processing  electrostatic copy paper  paper examination
陈维娜1 1.中国人民公安大学北京100038 
吕辰晨2 2.北京华夏物证鉴定中心北京100089 
杨春松2 2.北京华夏物证鉴定中心北京100089 
杨 旭3,* 3.司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所上海200063 
摘要点击次数: 7336
全文下载次数: 2380
Abstract:A method to examine electrostatic copy paper of different brand, specification by SEM-EDX was established, in order to inspect and identify electrostatic copy paper in forensic science. 20 kinds of electrostatic copy paper of different brands and specification were collected and analyzed by using SEM-EDX to obtain the BSE of the samples, combining with image processing technology the surface structure of the samples was analyzed. The filler composition and content of the samples were detected quantitatively through the EmkDS, and whether the samples contained chlorine elements was analyzed quantitatively. The results proved that the SEM-EDX could identify the electrostatic copy paper quickly and effectively, which could be used to examine the faked contracts and prints in the field of forensic science, provide clues to criminal investigation and the evidence for court proceedings.
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