Research Progress on Improving Dispersibility and Hydrophobicity of Nanocellulose
关键词:  纳米纤维素  改性  疏水性  分散性
Key Words:nanocellulose  modification  hydrophobicity  dispersibility
杨 爽1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042.广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
柴新宇1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042.广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
聂双喜1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042.广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
宋雪萍1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042.广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
吴 敏1,2,* 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042.广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
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Abstract:Nanocellulose has a good application prospects in nanocomposite materials because of its large specific surface area, high mechanical strength, high crystallinity, good biocompatibility and other excellent properties. However, the characteristics of strong hydrophilic and easy to be reunited severely limit its application. This review described some methods developed recent years for improving the hydrophobicity and the dispersibility of nanocellulose in water and most organic solvents and their reaction mechanisms and research progresses for improving the hydrophobicity of nanocellulose, such as surface adsorption, esterification, coupling agents and ploymer grafting modifications are the methods and the surface adsorption, cationic modification, TEMPO oxidation, acetylation, coupling agents, ploymer grafting modifications are the methods for improving the dispersibility of nanocellulose. Additionally, both developing direction and application prospect of nanocellulose were introduced and forecasted in this review.
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