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钛白粉-高岭土复合填料的制备及应用 |
Preparation and Application of Titanium Dioxide-kaolin Composite Filler |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.11.007 |
关键词: 机械化学法 钛白粉 高岭土 复合填料 造纸应用 |
Key Words:mechanochemical method titanium dioxide kaolin composite filler papermaking application |
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摘要点击次数: 6851 |
全文下载次数: 2042 |
摘要:采用机械化学法用钛白粉包覆高岭土制备造纸用复合填料,通过正交实验、采用白度和遮盖力作为主要指标得出适宜的制备工艺条件。实验得到的最佳制备工艺条件为:分散剂用量0.3%、高岭土与钛白粉的比例5∶5、复合研磨时间0.5 h、研磨浓度45%。在此制备工艺条件下制得的复合填料的白度为92.5%,遮盖力为30.33 g/m2。通过扫描电镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FT-IR)和X射线衍射(XRD)分析钛白粉包覆高岭土的效果。结果表明,钛白粉包覆高岭土不是简单的物理吸附,而是发生了化学反应,钛白粉与高岭土之间有化学键Si—O—Ti和Al—O—Ti的形成,晶型结构发生了变化,包覆效果良好。复合填料与钛白粉的白度和遮盖力接近,将复合填料替代钛白粉添加到纸张中,加填纸的物理性能接近钛白粉加填纸的。 |
Abstract:Titanium dioxide-kaolin composite filler was prepared by mechanochemical method. The suitable compositing conditions were obtained by orthogonal experiment. Brightness and covering ability were used to evaluate the effect of composite filler. The optimum compositing conditions were as follows: the dosage of dispersant was 0.3%, m(titanium dioxide)∶m(kaolin)was 5∶5, the grinding time was 0.5 h and the grinding concentration was 45% . Under these conditions, the composite product had good performance; The brightness and covering performance were 92.46% and 30.33 g/m2 respectively. The analysis of composite fillers by SEM, FTIR and XRD showed that the cladding of kaolin with titanium dioxide was not a simple physical reaction, but a chemical reaction. The Si—O—Ti and Al—O—Ti chemical bonds were formed between titanium dioxide and kaolin. So the composite fillers crystal structure changed, and the cladding effect was sigrinbicant. The composite fillers could be substituted for titanium dioxide using in paper. The brightness and covering performance of the composite filler were close to that of titanium dioxide. And the physical index of the paper filled with composite fillers was similar to that of pure titanium dioxide. |
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