Preparation of Bacterial Cellulose Flocculant and Its Flocculation Performance in Papermaking Wastewater
关键词:  细菌纤维素  絮凝材料  化学改性  造纸废水  混凝性能
Key Words:bacterial cellulose  flocculant material  chemical modification  papermaking wastewater  flocculantion performance
孙映宏1 1.杭州市水文水资源监测总站浙江杭州310016 
王逸锋1 1.杭州市水文水资源监测总站浙江杭州310016 
谈学松2 2.浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院浙江杭州310018 
陈艳霞2 2.浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院浙江杭州310018 
熊彩霞2 2.浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院浙江杭州310018 
张 勇2,* 2.浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院浙江杭州310018 
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摘要:以醋酸杆菌构建分泌细菌纤维素(Bacterial Cellulose, BC)的菌种体系,通过优化发酵培养工艺和化学改性条件,制备BC絮凝材料。再通过优化混凝工艺,评价其对造纸废水的混凝处理能力。结果表明,制备的BC絮凝材料具有良好的三维网状结构,其羧基含量显著增加。通过Zeta电位检测表明该BC絮凝材料为阴离子型;且该材料对造纸废水平均浊度去除率可达94.6%,具有优良的混凝沉淀能力。
Abstract:In this work, the bacteria system for preparing bacterial cellulose (BC) was constructed by using acetobacter. The three-dimensional network BC was produced through optimizing its fermentation process. The BC green flocculant was prepared by further chemical modification on BC and its flocculation performance in papermaking wastewater was also evaluated. The positived results showed that the obtained BC held typical three-dimensional network structure. The carboxyl content of the BC green flocculant product increased significantly. It belonged to anionic flocculant based on Zeta potential test. The results of papermaking wastewater flocculation indicated that the BC flocculant had excellent flocculation ability and its turbidity removal rate reached 94.6%.
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