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C3H-RNAi转基因杨木木质部纤维形态特征研究 |
Study on Fiber Morphological Characteristics of the C3H-RNAi Transgenic Poplars |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.12.004 |
关键词: C3H基因 杨木 纤维形态 微观结构 |
Key Words:C3H poplar fiber morphology micro-structure |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31370562);“十三五”国家重点研发专项计划课题(2017YFD0600201)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6037 |
全文下载次数: 2853 |
摘要:为了探明基因调控对杨树木质部纤维形态的影响,采用切片制作结合光学和电子显微镜以及纤维离析的方法,观测了不同高度的C3H-RNAi转基因杨木及其对照组杨木的纤维形态特征及参数。结果表明,转基因杨木上、中、下3部位的纤维壁厚值分别较对照组的下降了13.16%、13.47%和10.71%,而腔径值无明显差异,上、中、下3部位的纤维长度和长宽比分别较对照组的上升了1.39%、8.52%、3.80%和9.48%、16.24%、8.97%,纤维宽度分别下降了7.40%、6.64%、4.72%。发现转基因杨木和对照组杨木纤维壁厚和长度等纤维形态参数值均随木质化程度的增加而增加,并且中、下部位纤维形态更适用于制浆造纸。 |
Abstract:In this paper, C3H down-regulated transgenic poplar and non-transgenic poplar were selected as materials to study the effect of gene regulation on the morphology of xylem fibers. The morphological characteristics and parameters of xylem fibers at different height of two kinds of poplar were observed from the sections and the isolated fibers by means of light and electronic microscopes. The results showed that the fiber cell walls thickness of the upper, middle and lower part of transgenic poplar decreased by 13.16%, 13.47% and 10.71%, compared with that of the control group respectively, but there was no significant difference in lumen diameter. Fiber length and length /width ratio increased by 1.39%, 8.52%, 3.80% and 9.48%,16.24%,8.97% respectively, and the fiber width decreased by 7.40%, 6.64%, 4.72% respectively. It was also found that fiber morphological parameters such as wall thickness and fiber length of two kinds poplar increased with the lignification degree increasing, and the fiber morphologies of the middle and lower parts were more favorable for paper making. The results showed that the change of C3H gene activity improved the fiber morphology of poplar and made it more suitable for pulp wood utilization. |
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