An Experimental Research on Factors That Influence Viscosity of Refined Cotton Solution During Rinsing Process
关键词:  水洗  漂白  黏度  二氧化氯
Key Words:washing  bleach  viscosity  ClO2
邹 杨 武汉工程大学新型反应器与绿色化工重点实验室湖北武汉430073 
吴广文* 武汉工程大学新型反应器与绿色化工重点实验室湖北武汉430073 
胡争朋 武汉工程大学新型反应器与绿色化工重点实验室湖北武汉430073 
熊 奇 武汉工程大学新型反应器与绿色化工重点实验室湖北武汉430073 
熊 泽 武汉工程大学新型反应器与绿色化工重点实验室湖北武汉430073 
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摘要:以蒸煮后棉浆为研究对象,通过正交实验确定最佳洗涤参数,探讨了在该洗涤条件下残氯、Ca2+、Na+浓度对棉浆黏度的影响,并采用R5法自制ClO2漂液,进一步分析漂白阶段漂液浓度对棉浆黏度的影响。结果表明,洗涤中各参数对棉浆黏度影响的顺序为:残氯浓度>Ca2+>洗涤时间>pH值。在残氯浓度为0.036 g/L,Ca2+浓度为90 mg/L,洗涤时间为1 h,pH值为7时洗涤最佳。通过改变洗涤参数中残氯浓度,发现随着残氯的增加,棉浆黏度的下降率呈先下降后上升趋势,其下降率的最小值为11%;同时,调整Ca2+浓度,发现在Ca2+为110 mg/L时棉浆黏度下降率最低。另外,洗涤过程中添加NaCl,可使棉浆黏度下降率达2.2%;改变漂白阶段漂液浓度,使得棉浆黏度下降率为2.1%。
Abstract:In this paper, cotton pulp as the research object, the best washing paramenters were determoned by orthogonal test. The effects of residual chlorine, Ca2+, and Na+ concentration on the viscosity in high quality water, were discussed during washing process. ClO2 bleaching liquid was made through R5. And the effect of its concentration on the viscosity was studied during bleaching process. The results showed that the order of four factors influenced the viscosity in different degrees: residual chlorine> Ca2+>residence time>pH. When the residual chlorine concentration was 0.036 g/L, the Ca2+concentration 90 mg/L, the residence time 1 h and the pH 7, the high quality water of washing could be achieved. When residual chlorine concentration in high quality water was changed, viscosity decent rate had intended to increase after decreasing with the increase of residual chlorine, and the minimum rate was 11%. When Ca2+ concentration was altered, it was discovered that the minimum rate could be realized with Ca2+ concentration being 110 mg/L. When NaCl was added to the high quality water, the rate could be 2.2%. When bleaching liquid purity was changed in bleaching process, the rate could only be 2.1%.
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