关键词:  多糖  沙蒿胶  瓜尔豆胶  纸质文物  加固
Key Words:polysaccharide  Artemisia sphaerocephala gum  guar gum  paper historical relics  reinforcement
吴依茜 甘肃省博物馆文物保护研究中心甘肃兰州730050 
张建全 甘肃省博物馆文物保护研究中心甘肃兰州730050 
俄 军 甘肃省博物馆文物保护研究中心甘肃兰州730050 
弥卓君 甘肃省博物馆文物保护研究中心甘肃兰州730050 
赵亚军 甘肃省博物馆文物保护研究中心甘肃兰州730050 
陈庚龄 甘肃省博物馆文物保护研究中心甘肃兰州730050 
摘要点击次数: 7326
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摘要:采用自制的沙蒿胶(Artemisia sphaerocephala gum,ASG)、瓜尔豆胶(Guar gum,GG)及二者混合物对纸张表面进行喷涂加固处理。考察了不同喷涂处理条件对生宣纸(纸质文物修复专用手抄纸)老化前后抗张强度、耐折度和光泽度的影响,并用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)进行纸张表面形貌表征。结果表明,ASG质量分数为0.4%、GG质量分数0.2%时对生宣纸有较好的加固效果;GG和ASG以6∶4的配比混合后,GG-ASG混合物对生宣纸的抗张强度和耐折度有明显的增强作用,对生宣纸光泽度无明显的影响;SEM分析证实了GG-ASG混合物对生宣纸纤维起到了保护和桥梁作用,有效地改善了生宣纸抗老化能力,酸老化后生宣纸抗张强度损失4.45%,耐折度损失1.76%。
Abstract:Polysaccharide is a kind of natural polymer which is abundant in natural sources and environment friendly. In this paper, in order to study the protection effectiveness of Artemisia sphaerocephala gum (ASG), guar gum (GG) and the mixtures to the ancient paper based relics, the tensile strength, folding endurance and gloss of the samples after treatment by different concentration of ASG and GG were tested. Moreover, scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe and analyze the surface morphology of the samples. It was found that ASG (0.4 wt%) and GG (0.2 wt%)exhibited enhancing effect on treatedpaper historic relic. Moreover, results showed that samples treated with GG-ASG mixture(6∶4) not only maintained the original texture, gloss, but also significantly increased the tensile strength and folding endurance. SEM confirmed that the GG-ASG mixture played a protective and connective role in the paper fibers. Tensile strength only decreased by 4.41% and folding endurance decreased by 1.76% after aging. It indicated that ASG, GG and their mixture showed positive effect on the protection of paper historic relic.
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