Preparation of Regularized Iron-Carbon Filler and Its Application in Advanced Treatment of Pulping Wastewater
关键词:  微电解  铁炭填料  深度处理  蔗渣  制浆废水
Key Words:micro-electrolysis  iron-carbon filler  advanced treatment  bagasse  pulping wastewate
莫立焕 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
杨 爽 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
谈金强 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
李 军 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
徐 峻* 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
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摘要:以铁粉、活性炭和黏土为主要原料制备规整化铁炭填料颗粒,并对填料制备工艺及其处理蔗渣制浆废水工艺进行优化探讨。结果表明,规整化铁炭填料最佳制备工艺条件为铁炭比1∶1,黏土质量比25%,氯化铵添加量0.5%, 焙烧温度400 ℃,焙烧时间2 h;在此条件下制备的规整化铁炭填料在最优实验条件(pH值2.5,处理时间90 min,填料用量30 g/L,曝气量0.3 m3/L)下对蔗渣制浆废水进行深度处理,CODCr和TOC的去除率分别达69.9%和70.8%,规整化铁炭填料在处理废水前后基本结构骨架没有变化,且其表面未发生钝化和活性组分流失。
Abstract:In this paper, the regularized iron-carbon micro-electrolytic spherical fillers were prepared using iron powder, activated carbon and clay as the main components. Four independent variables including the iron to carbon ratio, the clay mass ratio, ammonium chloride mass ratio and calcinating time were optimized. The results showed that the regularized iron-carbon fillers prepared under the optimized preparation conditions (the iron to carbon ratio 1∶1,the clay mass ratio 25%, ammonium chloride mass ratio 0.5%, calcinating 2 hours in 400 ℃) were used in the advanced treatment of bagasse pulping wastewater under optimal treatment process (the pH value was 2.5, the addition amount of Fe-C fillers were 30 g/L, the aeration flow rate was 0.3 m3/h, the reaction time was 90 min). The removal rate of CODCr and TOC was 69.9% and 70.8% respectively. The basic structure of the filler after using in wastewater treatment was not changed and the there was no any loss of active components on its surface.
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