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蔗渣和桉木混合制浆的研究与探索 |
Study on Cleaner Pulping of Mixing Bagasse and Eucalyptus Wood |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.02.003 |
关键词: 蔗渣 桉木 混合 清洁制浆 |
Key Words:bagasse eucalyptus wood mixing cleaner production |
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摘要点击次数: 7564 |
全文下载次数: 2688 |
摘要:通过对蔗渣和桉木混合制浆实验研究,开发得率高、白度高、成浆性能好的混合浆的制备方法,并探索蔗渣的最佳混合比例及混合制浆生产工艺条件。结果表明, 当蔗渣混合比例低于20%时,混合浆黏度≥1050 cm3/g,白度≥87%,制浆得率48.2%,各项物理指标优于我国漂白阔叶木浆的行业优等产品标准(QB/T1678—2007);从设备运行效率、制浆得率和成浆物理指标变化趋势看,蔗渣混合比例控制在10%以内为宜;将氧脱木素、ECF漂白等技术应用于蔗渣与桉木混合制浆,可以提高产品质量,降低污染物排放,实现清洁生产制浆。 |
Abstract:The pulping experiment of mixing bagasse and eucalyptus wood clips was carried out, in order to explore the optimum mixing ratio of bagasse and the cleaner production process of pulping. The results showed that when bagasse ratio was lower than 20%,the pulp yield was 48.2%, brightness was≥87% and viscosity was≥1050 cm3/g could be produced. However considering operation efficiency, pulp yield and physical property of the pulp, about 10% of mixing ratio of bagasse was appropriate. |
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