Application of PAC in Papermaking Sludge Treatment
关键词:  聚合氯化铝  理化性质  高脱水率  焚烧
Key Words:polyaluminum chloride  physicochemical properties  high dehydration rate  incineration
晏永祥1.2 1.长沙理工大学湖南长沙4101142.湖南佰霖生物技术股份有限公司湖南长沙410205 
李帮汉1.2,* 1.长沙理工大学湖南长沙4101142.湖南佰霖生物技术股份有限公司湖南长沙410205 
宋福升3 3.恒联集团岳阳丰利纸业有限公司湖南岳阳414100 
陈启杰1 1.长沙理工大学湖南长沙410114 
王庆峰2 2.湖南佰霖生物技术股份有限公司湖南长沙410205 
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摘要:简述造纸污泥含水率和体积的变化关系,分析其基本性质,实验加入0.4 g氧化铝含量为10%的聚合氯化铝(PAC)和5 g浓度为0.2%的阳离子聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)可有效处理200 g固含量为2.0%的造纸污泥,中试结论与实验结果一致。结果表明,新工艺采用DCS控制的二级脱水方式,先利用浓缩塔将污泥固含量提高到4%~6%之间,再通过柱塞泵送入800 m2板框压滤机进行二级脱水,脱水污泥干度可达50%以上;单台设备每个周期4 h可处理4.5 t绝干污泥,破碎后掺煤焚烧每吨绝干污泥可产生余热292.56 MJ,能直接产生经济效益61元;与传统工艺相比可节约13.9%的运行费用。
Abstract:The relationship between the change of water content and volume change of papermaking sludge was briefly described and analyzed. From engineering point of view, adding 0.4 g PAC with 10% alumina content and 5 g CPAM with 0.2% solid content could effectively treat 200 g paper sludge with concentration of 2%. The new process used concentration conditioning pool, the sludge concentration could be increased to 4%~6%. Then the sludge was pumped to frame filter press by using a plunger pump, the dryness of dehydrated sludge could be up to 50% or even higher. A single device could handle 4.5 tons of oven dry sludge per working cycle(4 hours).The dried sludge could be used as fuel after being crushed and mixed with coal, per ton of dried sludge could produce heat 292.56 MJ through incineration, which could directly produce economic benefits of RBM 61 yuan; It could save 13.9% operating costs compared to the traditional process.
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