不同pH值下 Fe3+对好氧活性污泥处理制浆中段废水的影响
Effect of Fe3+ on Pulping Middle-stage Effluent Treatment by Aerobic Activated Sludge under Different pH Values
关键词:  pH值  制浆中段废水  好氧活性污泥  Fe3+
Key Words:pH valves  pulping middle-stage effluent  aerobic activated sludge  Fe3+
王玥婷 东莞理工学院生态环境与建筑工程学院广东东莞523808 
兰善红* 东莞理工学院生态环境与建筑工程学院广东东莞523808 
摘要点击次数: 7687
全文下载次数: 2024
摘要:本课题以不加Fe3+的活性污泥作为对照,探讨了在Fe3+存在下,pH值对好氧活性污泥处理制浆中段废水的影响。研究表明,当pH值为6.5时,对照组和添加Fe Fe3+的实验组的CODCr去除率分别达到77%和79%。当超出该pH值范围,对照组和实验组的CODCr去除效果均下降。Fe3+的存在提高了处理效果,特别是pH值明显偏离正常值,pH值为8.5和9.5时尤为明显。通过对脱氢酶浓度和污泥絮凝性能的研究结果表明,当pH值在5.5~7.5的范围时,两个指标都显示了污泥良好的性能,但在其他pH值条件下,污泥活性和絮凝性能均出现下降。与对照组相比,Fe3+的存在提高了污泥的活性和絮凝性能。
Abstract:Effect of pH on treatment of pulping middle-stage effluent(PMSE)by aerobic activated sludge in the presence of Fe3+ was studied, with sludge without Fe3+ as blank control. COD removal efficiencies of experiment groups with and without Fe3+ achieved 77% and 79% respectively, when pH was 6.5, but the treatment effect decreased when pH value was out of this range. The present of Fe3+enhanced the treatment effect, especially when pH deviated from the normal value, e.g. 8.5 and 9.5. The dehydrogenase concentration and the flocculation ability of the sludge were also studied. The results showed that the two indicators in both groups were good when pH value in the range of 5.5~7.5, but deterioration occurred at other pH values. Compared to the blank control, both the activity and flocculation ability of the sludge with Fe3+ were better.
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