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筛分方式对蔗渣含髓率测定的影响 |
Effect of Screening Method on Determination of Pith Content in Bagasse |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.03.007 |
关键词: 蔗渣 含髓率 筛分设备 化学组分 纤维分析 |
Key Words:sugarcan bagasse pith content screening equipment chemical composition fiber analysis |
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摘要点击次数: 6898 |
全文下载次数: 2246 |
摘要:分别采用顶击式标准振筛机、拍击式标准振筛机、数显调速多用振荡器进行蔗渣含髓率测定的筛分实验,并分别对筛出的蔗髓进行分析,确定3种筛分方式对蔗髓的筛分效果。结果表明,不同设备筛分测得的含髓率差别较大,与设备的运动方式有关,其中顶击筛的筛分效果最为稳定。3种筛分方式筛出蔗髓中综纤维素含量超过80%,而木素含量仅有蔗渣木素含量的50%左右。蔗髓中细胞的平均长度和宽度均较小,分布较为集中。通过形貌观察可以看出蔗髓中除含有较多薄壁细胞外,还有较多的细短的纤维状细胞。 |
Abstract:In this paper, the determination of pith content of bagasse was carried out by using the Standard Top hit Vibrating Screen, the Standard Slap Vibrating Screen and the Digital Speed Controlled Multi purpose Oscillator respectively. The pith was screened and analyzed, to evaluate the effect of screening equipment on screening of bagasse pith. Results showed that the pith content measured by different devices was different, which was attributed to the movement mode of the equipment. The holocellulose content of pith was more than 80%, while the lignin content was only about half of the content of bagasse. The average length and width of the cells in pith were smaller and they had more concentrated distribution. Through morphology observation, great amount of fine fibrous cells could be found in bagasse pith in addition to contain more parenchyma cells. |
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