Improving Retention and Drainage of Tobacco Slurry by Using a Combination of Guar Gum and Cationic Cellulose Nanofibril
关键词:  阳离子纳米纤维素  瓜尔胶  滤水  留着  阳离子需求量
Key Words:cationic cellulose nanofibril  guar gum  drainage  retention  cationic demand
刘皓月1 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
刘 忠1,* 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
刘洪斌1 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
张方东1 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
温洋兵1 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
武士杰2 2.云南中烟再造烟叶有限责任公司云南昆明650106 
陈岭峰2 2.云南中烟再造烟叶有限责任公司云南昆明650106 
郭 辉2 2.云南中烟再造烟叶有限责任公司云南昆明650106 
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摘要:利用阳离子纳米纤维素与瓜尔胶组成双元体系,研究其对烟草浆料的滤水留着性能。结果表明,在单元体系中,单独添加0.18%阳离子纳米纤维素时较好,浆料的滤水时间为23.8 s,填料留着率为19.3%,滤液阳离子需求量82.2 μmol/L;单独添加0.1%瓜尔胶时较好,浆料的滤水时间为19.3 s,填料留着率为31.7%,滤液阳离子需求量84.8 μmol/L。在用量为0.18%的阳离子纳米纤维素与用量0.1%的瓜尔胶组成的双元体系下,浆料滤水时间为18.6 s,填料的留着率为40.1%,滤液的阳离子需求量为73.8 μmol/L。另外,在造纸法烟草薄片的实验中,阳离子纳米纤维素与瓜尔胶组成的双元体系较单独使用瓜尔胶或阳离子纳米纤维素可明显改善烟草浆料的滤水留着性能,有效降低滤液对阳离子的需求量。
Abstract:The aim of the research was improving retention and drainage of tobacco slurry by using acombined system of guar gum and cationic cellulose nanofibril. The filtration time was 23.8 s and the filler retention rate was 19.3% by adding 0.18% cationic cellulose nanofibril alone, and cationic demand of the filtrate was 82.2 μmol/L. However, the binary retention drainage system consisting of 0.18% cationic cellulose nanofibril and 0.1% guar gum shortened the filtration time by 5.2 s, filler retention rate increased 20.8%, and cationic demand declined 8.4 μmol/L compared with using 0.18% cationic cellulose nanofibril alone. It indicated that the binary system had active effects on retention and drainage of tobacco slurry in tobacco sheet production with papermaking process process, and effectively reduced the cationic demand of the filtrate.
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