Smart Paper-making Mill—Paper Industry Informatization Management Platform
关键词:  造纸工业  信息化  管理平台  智慧工厂
Key Words:paper-making industry  informatization  management platform  smart factory
徐小伟 浙江华章科技有限公司浙江杭州310000 
许智贤 浙江华章科技有限公司浙江杭州310000 
鄢来朋* 浙江华章科技有限公司浙江杭州310000 
摘要点击次数: 7660
全文下载次数: 13
Abstract:Smart paper-making mill platform is the industry information management platform which was developed based on Huazhang Technology′s twenty-five years experience in automation control, combining with the production characteristics of paper-making industry. Smart paper-making mill focused on the main requirements in new industry era including energy saving, efficiency and intelligent, and carried out real-time digital monitoring and management of all sections of the production, operation and maintenance process. Bases on a large amount of data produced by enterprise management and mill automation, and hadoop technology was used to find the bottleneck of production and operation in time. Enterprises could also use paper cloud platform to find the competitive index, timely access to authoritative information of paper industry to help companies understand the external environment, rapidly adjust operating strategies. Through the application of intelligent mill, it could effectively tap the potential of enterprises, improve efficiency, save costs, and achieve delicacy management of the production process.
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