Research Progress of Ozone-containing ECF Bleaching
关键词:  臭氧  ECF  低污染漂白  AOX
Key Words:ozone  ECF  low pollution bleaching  AOX
王 成1,2 1. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004
2. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
姚双全1,2 1. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004
2. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
师莉升1,2 1. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004
2. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
刘宝杰1,2 1. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004
2. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
黄灵芝1,2 1. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004
2. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
覃程荣1,2,* 1. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004
2. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
摘要点击次数: 7195
全文下载次数: 15
Abstract:This paper discussed the water pollution caused by pulp and paper industry in China. The development and classification of low pollution bleaching process was summarized. The low-pollution bleaching can be divided into two categories according to the types of bleaching agents, the elemental chlorine free (ECF) bleaching with ClO2 as the main bleaching agent and the totally chlorine free (TCF) bleaching of mainly using oxygen-based bleaching agent. Among these processes the ozone/ECF bleaching is a promising technology. The research status of ozone/ECF bleaching in domestic and overseas was reviewed. Although ozone ECF bleaching in abroad is a mature technology, it still exists many problems in domestic. Such as optimization of bleaching sequence of different pulps, developments of new protective agents, large ozone generator and high concentration agitator.
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