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基于组态王软件的特种纸机配方化生产方案 |
Retrofitting of A Specialty Paper Machine for Formulation Production Based on Kingview Platform |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.04.014 |
关键词: 特种纸机 组态王 实时监控 数据采集 配方化生产 |
Key Words:specialty paper machines kingview real-time data monitoring data acquisition formula production |
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摘要点击次数: 6493 |
全文下载次数: 11 |
摘要:针对当前特种纸机装备规模小、且相当一部分为普通纸机改造而来的情况,提出了一套利用组态王(KingView)软件、各类传感器及数据采集模块等软、硬件对纸机进行自动化改造的方案,用较小的投入实现实时数据监控、数据采集、配方化生产,从而达到提高特种纸生产效率和生产稳定性,降低纸机调整难度的目的。实际应用表明,该方案可缩短纸机调整时间,提高生产效率。 |
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of specialty paper machines including smaller-sized and partly converted from the traditional paper machine, this paper proposed to carry out automatic renovation of the specialty paper machines by using kingview configuration software, various kinds of sensors and data acquisition module, it could realize real-time data monitoring, data acquisition and formulating production by less input, finally to improve the efficiency of specialty paper production and production stability and reduce the adjustment difficulty of the paper machines. |
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