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由秸秆原料延伸的造纸产业链思考 |
Thoughts on the Extension of Paper Industry Chain Based on Straw Raw Materials |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.05.011 |
关键词: 延伸 造纸秸秆 产业链 策略 |
Key Words:extension paper straw industry chain strategy |
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摘要点击次数: 7069 |
全文下载次数: 2209 |
摘要:我国传统造纸业走的是一条原料-造纸-废物排放的线性发展道路,没有形成完整的产业链。近年来,有部分造纸企业在优化产品结构方面有所建树,但并没有解决我国造纸产业链整体格局中存在生产力不足,资源利用率低等问题。本文受泉林“一草多用”发展模式启发,通过补充、完善和延伸基于秸秆原料的造纸产业链,降低运行成本、减少污染排放、提升产业价值链,同时加深与其他产业链之间的融合,带动其他产业发展。 |
Abstract:The development of china’s traditional papermaking industry follows a linear path of raw materials-paper-wastes emissions, without an incomplete industrial chain. In recent years, some papermaking enterprises have made achievements in the optimization of product structures; however, the overall patterns of the industry chain were unchanged. When the industry chain of papermaking with using an new material is fashion implemented, improved and extended. It could reduce the operation costs and pollution emissions of the industry, improve its value chain, deepen the integration with other industry chains increase employment, and promote the development of other industries. |
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