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玉米秸秆高得率浆细小组分机械处理及其对OCC浆增强的研究 |
Application of Mechanical Treated Corn Stover Fines in Recycled Paper |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.06.005 |
关键词: 玉米秸秆 细小组分 机械处理 废纸浆 |
Key Words:corn stover fines mechanical treatment recycled fiber |
基金项目:天津市自然科学基金(重点项目)(16JCZDJC39700);大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201710057151)。 |
摘要点击次数: 7216 |
全文下载次数: 20 |
摘要:研究了玉米秸秆高得率浆细小组分的机械处理及其对废纸浆的增强效果。玉米秸秆的细小组分以薄壁细胞、导管等杂细胞为主,采用高剪切乳化机和高压均质机机械处理后,其中的杂细胞形态改变,粒径变小,并碎裂为纤丝状。经过机械处理的细小组分对废纸浆的增强效果优于未处理细小组分,当高压均质处理的细小组分用量10%时,相对于未添加细小组分的纸张,抗张指数增加了38.1%、环压指数增加了20.3%、耐破指数增加了44.4%。杂细胞经过机械处理后,原有的方形、圆形和棒形等形态破裂而演变成纤丝状,能更均匀地填充在纸张纤维之间,增加了纤维间的结合面积,从而提高纸张强度。 |
Abstract:Fines frationated from corn stover high yield pulp were funther treated using mechanical action, and effect of the treated fines on strength of recycled paper was studied in the paper. The fines mainly contained non-fibrous cells, such as parenchyma cells and vessels, et al. The non-fibrous cells were broken into fibrilla and smaller particles after mechanical treatment with high shear emulsification machine or high pressure homogenizer. It was proved that the enhancement effects of mechanically treated fines with a certain amount addition on recycled paper were more significant than untreated fines. When 10% homogenized fines was added into recycled paper, tensile index increased by 38.1%, ring crush index increased by 20.3% and burst index increased by 44.4% compared with the control. The reason of effectively improving the papers strength was that the fibrous fines could be more evenly filled in between the fibers and increased the binding area between the fibers. |
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