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凹凸棒土对纸浆中压敏胶留着率的影响 |
Effect of Attapulgite on the Retention of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive in Stock |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.08.006 |
关键词: 凹凸棒土;压敏胶;留着率 强度 |
Key Words:attapulgite pressure sensitive adhesive retention strength |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31770627);南京林业大学科技创新基金(CX201125);江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室(南京林业大学)开放基金(201523)。 |
摘要点击次数: 7573 |
全文下载次数: 2712 |
摘要:本研究主要以漂白针叶木浆、废旧瓦楞纸箱(OCC)浆为纤维原料,压敏胶为研究对象,将压敏胶与浆料混合后再加入凹凸棒土及阳离子聚合物(P)抄造手抄片,研究了凹凸棒土对压敏胶留着率及其对纸张强度的影响。结果表明,凹凸棒土不仅有助于减轻压敏胶的粘缸危害,也有助于压敏胶在纸张中的留着。当凹凸棒土用量为5%时(对绝干浆),针叶木浆中压敏胶的留着率高达99.9%,OCC浆纸张的抗张指数增加了5.4%。 |
Abstract:The pressure sensitive adhesive latex was well mixed with the bleached softwood pulp or OCC pulp to prepared handsheets by using a handsheet former after adding the attapulgite and cationic additives,the effects of attapulgite addition on the retention of pressure sensitive adhesive and the paper strength were studied.The result showed that the attapulgite application could be benefit to reduce the harm of adhering to the dry cylinder of the pressure sensitive adhesive, improve the retention of the adhesive in the paper.When using bleached softwood pulp as fiber raw material and the dosage of attapulgite was 5%, the retention rate of pressure sensitive adhesive was as high as 99.92%.On the other hand, attapulgite could also increase the strength of the paper from OCC pulp.After adding 5% attapulgite, the tensile index of paper increased by 5.41% compared with the control sample. |
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