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从造纸角度浅谈古籍保护与修复 |
The Preservation and Repair of Ancient Books |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.08.011 |
关键词: 古籍 造纸 保护 修复 |
Key Words:ancient books paper making conservation repair |
基金项目:古籍脱酸增强关键技术与设备研发。 |
摘要点击次数: 7611 |
全文下载次数: 3095 |
摘要:古籍是人类历史文化和物质文明的重要记载载体。古籍纸张饱受老化、酸化、氧化等影响,亟需适当的古籍保护与修复。文章分析了酸化、氧化、腐蚀、光化学氧化及造纸工艺等诱因对古籍的影响,探究了古籍纸张老化的机理。从古籍的修复方面,列举了国内外先进的古籍保护与修复技术,主要包括脱酸与增强加固技术等,比较了各自的优缺点;从造纸角度分析了古籍保护与修复的要点,在有效脱酸增强的同时还需注重书籍的保存,如研制书籍专用纸等,采取积极措施保护好我国物质文明,使其延续传承。 |
Abstract:The preservation and repair of ancient books has become the focus of research in the universities, libraries and archive centers.Considered that ancient books and documents are important carrier of humanbeing’s written heritage, it is vital to take effective actions to deal with the aging of paper.In this paper the chemical mechanisms of paper aging,such as acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose in paper fibers(the dominating factor in the deterioration of book and paper collections) and oxidation of cellulose by atmospheric oxygen were discussed.In terms of conservation methods, deacidification processes and the strengthening techniques were introduced.Meanwhile, in paper manufacture aspect alkaline papermaking should serve as a long-term solution against the deterioration of the paper, besides, adding some additives could also prevent the aging of paper. |
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