Influence of Color Fixing Agent on Coating Quality and Image Quality of Color Inkjet Printing Paper
关键词:  纸张涂层  固色剂  图像质量
Key Words:paper coating  fixing agent  picture quality
张 岩1,2 1.河南牧业经济学院河南郑州4500462.郑州三全食品股份有限公司河南郑州450044 
苏铁青1 1.河南牧业经济学院河南郑州450046 
曹云峰3,* 3.南京林业大学江苏南京210037 
摘要点击次数: 7132
全文下载次数: 2263
Abstract:The color fixation mechanism of cationic color fixing agent in color inkjet printing paper coating was analyzed. The influence of dosage of color fixing agent PolyDADMA on coatings viscosity, property of coating surface and solid density, dot gain, line sharpness and water resistance performance of inkjet printed image was researched. It was found in the experiment that the cationic color fixing agent PolyDADMA could improve the image quality and the higher dosage could realize higher solid density, smaller dot gain, higher image detail sharpness and stronger water resistance performance of various colors. However, if the proportion of PolyDADMA was higher than a certain value, viscosity of the coatings would be too high, resulting in uneven coating, and the strength of coating surface would firstly increase and then reduce. If the color fixing agent solid dosage in the coatings was up to 5 g (with 100 g silicon dioxide as reference), the density, the fine line sharpness and the water resistance performance of image could be optimal.
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