A Review on the Application of Lignin Model Compounds in Pulping Research
关键词:  木素  木素模型物  制浆  LCC  漂白
Key Words:lignin  lignin model compound  pulping  LCC  bleaching
师莉升1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
姚双全1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
王 成1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
王 霄1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
黄灵芝1,2 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
覃程荣1,2,* 1.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁5300042. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室广西南宁530004 
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摘要:木素是自然界储量仅次于纤维素和甲壳素的天然大分子聚合物。从化学结构上看,木素由愈创木基、对羟苯基和紫丁香基三种结构单元以醚键和碳碳双键连接而成,结构十分复杂,且在植物原料中,木素与纤维素和半纤维素紧密地联系在一起,利用现有手段很难分离出纯木素。木素对制浆过程,尤其是对蒸煮和纸浆漂白有重要影响,为深入理解木素在制浆过程中发生的化学反应机理及其结构变化,需要借助木素模型物进行木素的相关研究。本文综述了国内外木素模型物的研究现状,论述了木素模型物在制浆过程中木素 碳水化合物复合体(LCC)的生成及漂白过程中反应机理等相关研究中的应用情况。
Abstract:Lignin, the natural macromolecular polymer, is the third largest biomass in nature reserves and under the reserves of cellulose and chitin. Lignin contains three structural units i.e.guaiacyl, syringyl and p hydroxyphenol, which are connected by the bond of ether and CC, and ultimately formed complex chemical structures. Besides, lignin is closely associated with cellulose and hemicellulose in plants material, so it is difficult to isolate pure lignin by existing means. Pulping process is seriously affected by lignin, especially the processes of cooking and bleaching. In order to understand the chemical reaction mechanism and structural changes of lignin during pulpingprocess, the lignin model compounds should be used in the study. This paper reviews the recent developments of lignin model compounds. In addition, it particaly discusses the application of lignin model compounds in the researches of bleaching reaction mechanism and the formation of LCC in cooking process.
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