Study on the Application of Environment-friendly Hydrogen Peroxide Stabilizer
关键词:  稳定剂  螯合剂  PHS  浆料白度  残余H2O2含量
Key Words:stabilizer  chelator  PHS  pulp whiteness  H2O2 residual
李德品 浙江传化华洋化工有限公司浙江杭州311231 
屈亚平* 浙江传化华洋化工有限公司浙江杭州311231 
姚 胜 浙江传化华洋化工有限公司浙江杭州311231 
杨 磊 浙江传化华洋化工有限公司浙江杭州311231 
刘潇潇 浙江传化华洋化工有限公司浙江杭州311231 
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摘要:将H2O2稳定剂(PHS)和其他螯合剂用于对钙离子的螯合,结果显示,PHS在碱性条件下螯合钙离子的能力达到580 mg/g,且有进一步的增强。将PHS和传统螯合剂EDTA在最佳H2O2用量条件下分别用于CTMP浆一段漂白和二段漂白中,考察其对漂终浆料白度和残液中H2O2残余量的影响。结果表明,在CTMP浆一段漂白时,PHS和EDTA将浆料的白度由空白浆的57.0%分别提高至58.6%和57.9%,残余H2O2含量由23.2%分别提高至29.7%和28.6%;而在CTMP浆二段漂白时,PHS和EDTA能将浆料白度由空白浆的71.9%分别提高至78.0%和74.0%,残余H2O2含量由2.1%分别提高至38.5%和7.3%;使用PHS作为H2O2稳定剂在达到相同浆料白度时,H2O2的用量减少11.0%,漂白成本降低约16元/t浆。
Abstract:The hydrogen peroxide stabilizer PHS and other chelating agents were used for chelation test of calcium ion.The results showed that the ability of PHS to chelate calcium ions under alkaline condition could reach 580 mg/g and even more.Hydrogen peroxide stabilizer PHS and chelator EDTA were respectively used in the first and second stage bleaching of CTMP pulp under the optimum amount of hydrogen peroxide.The impacts on pulp whiteness and residual hydrogen peroxide in the raffinate were investigated.The results showed that, in the first stage bleaching, PHS and EDTA increased the whiteness of the pulp from 57.0% of control sample to 58.6% and 57.9%, respectively, and the content of residual H2O2 increased from 23.2% to 29.7% and 28.6%, respectively, the improvements were not obvious.But in the second stage bleaching, PHS could increase the whiteness of the pulp were from 71.9% to 78.0%, and the residual H2O2 content from 2.1% to 38.5%. Contrary the impacts of EDTA were still very limited the corresponding increases of whiteness and residual H2O2 content were 74.0% and 7.3%.When PHS was used as a hydrogen peroxide stabilizer to achieve the same whiteness of the pulp, the amount of H2O2 was reduced by 11.0%, which reduced the production cost of 16RMB per ton pulp.
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