Preparation of Modified TiO2 and Its Application in Wallpaper
关键词:  TiO2  混晶  壁纸  甲醛
Key Words:TiO2  mixed crystal  wallpaper  formaldehyde
颜振涛1 1.福建工程学院材料科学与工程学院福建福州350118 
刘保森2 2.绿色节能环境材料福建省高校工程研究中心福建福州350118 
靳贵晓2 2.绿色节能环境材料福建省高校工程研究中心福建福州350118 
王 琪2 2.绿色节能环境材料福建省高校工程研究中心福建福州350118 
翁仁贵3 3.福建省室内环境工程技术研究中心福建福州350118 
刘心中3,* 3.福建省室内环境工程技术研究中心福建福州350118 
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摘要:以纳米TiO2(P25)为改性对象,通过简单的一步水热法制备了具有可见光催化活性的N掺杂改性P25光催化剂(N-P25),借助X射线衍射仪、紫外 可见光谱仪和扫描电子显微镜对N-P25的结构进行表征;再将其涂布于壁纸上,通过对壁纸物理性能和光催化降解甲醛性能的综合对比选择最佳涂布工艺。结果表明,N-P25仍为混晶结构,但对可见光的响应得到提升。在最佳涂布工艺条件下,N-P25 涂布量1.5 g/m2的壁纸在日光灯照射6 h后,对甲醛的降解率可达87%;且对不同初始浓度甲醛的光催化降解符合L-H一级反应动力学规律。
Abstract:N-doped P25 photocatalysts (N-P25) with the visible light response were prepared using nano TiO2 (P25) as raw materials by a simple one-step hydrothermal method, the photocatalysts’ structure was characterized by XRD, UV-Vis DRS and SEM; The N-P25 was coated on the wallpaper, the optimum coating process was achieved by comprehensively compared the physical properties of the wallpaper and photocatalytic degradation of formaldehyde.The results showed that N-P25 was still mixed crystal structure, and the response to visible light was enhanced.Under the optimal coating process, the degradation rate of formaldehyde for wallpaper containing 1.5 g/m2 photocatalyst reached 87% after 6 h exposure under fluorescent lamp, and the photocatalytic degradation of formaldehyde at different initial concentrations conforms to the first-order reaction kinetics of L-H.
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