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基于非金属矿物粉体的废纸造纸废水处理效果研究 |
Study on the Treatment Effect of Recycled Fibers Papermaking Wastewater Based on Non-metallic Mineral Powder |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2018.11.004 |
关键词: 非金属矿物 废纸造纸 废水 污染负荷 |
Key Words:nonmetallic minerals wastepaper papermaking wastewater pollution load |
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摘要点击次数: 6835 |
全文下载次数: 2153 |
摘要:以初始水质CODCr含量6300 mg/L、悬浮物含量(SS) 2065 mg/L、BOD5含量2154 mg/L、色度500倍、浊度2229 NTU的废纸造纸废水为处理对象,研究了不同非金属矿物粉体对减少废水污染负荷的作用,同时探讨了不同非金属矿物粉体复配并阳离子化改性后对降低污染负荷的影响。结果表明,在选用的6种非金属矿物粉体中,对废水SS和浊度净化效果较好的分别是合成硅酸钙、膨润土,其去除率分别达到了81.3%和73.7%、71.7%和65.6%;对废水色度净化效果较好的分别是合成硅酸钙、沸石和硅藻土,其去除率分别达到了90.0%、75.0%和75.0%;对废水的总氮去除率效果较明显的是合成硅酸钙、凹凸棒土和硅藻土,其去除率分别达到了76.3%、72.9%和69.9%;对废水的总磷去除率效果较明显的是膨润土、沸石和凹凸棒土,其去除率分别达到了90.1%、85.6%和88.3%;对废水的氨氮去除率效果较明显的是合成硅酸钙和硅藻土,其去除率分别达到了73.1%和86.5%。不同非金属矿物粉体复配改性后能有效提高废水污染负荷去除率,显著降低废水中的色度、SS、浊度、氨氮含量以及CODCr和BOD5,其中2#复配改性粉体对废水中的CODCr的去除效果最好,去除率可达到93.0%。 |
Abstract:The effects of different nonmetallic mineral powders and their compounds as waste water treatment agents on the removal rate of pollutants load in recycled fibers papermaking wastewater were studied. The initial quality conditions of the wastewater were as follows: CODCr6300 mg/L, suspended solids content(SS) 2065 mg/L, BOD5 2154 mg/L, turbidity 2229 NTU, chroma 500. The results showed that the synthetic calcium silicate and bentonite were effective for increasing the removal rates of SS, turbidity, the values were 81.3% and 73.7%, 71.7% and 65.6% respectively; the synthetic calcium silicate, zeolite, diatomite and sepiolite were effective for increasing the removal rates of chroma, the values were 90.0%, 75.0% and 75.0% respectively; the synthetic calcium silicate, attapulgite and diatomite were effective for increasing the removal rates of total nitrogen, the values were 76.3%, 72.9% and 69.9% respectively; the synthetic calcium silicate, zeolite and attapulgite were effective for increasing the removal rates of total phosphorus, the values were 80.2%, 85.6% and 88.3% respectively; the synthetic calcium silicate and diatomite were effective for increasing the removal rates of ammonia nitrogen, the values were 73.1% and 86.5% respectively. The compound powders in the experiment could effectively improve the removal rate of wastewater pollution load, especially the compound powder No.2 with synthetic calcium silicate as the main compound could improve the removal rate of CODCr in the wastewater more obviously, and the removal rate could reach 93.0%. |
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