Application of Medium-consistency Pressure Screen in Reconsitituted Tobacco Production
关键词:  中浓压力筛  烟草薄片  浆料均匀度  运行稳定性
Key Words:medium-consistency pressure screen  reconsitituted tobacco  evenness of the pulp fiber  operational stability
闫 瑛 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
樊新顺 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
田晓辉* 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
罗 冲 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
田泱源 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
张利涛 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
曹 铭 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
张书云 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461000 
摘要点击次数: 7221
全文下载次数: 2067
Abstract:The necessity of the application of medium-consistency pressure screen in reconsitituted tobacco papermaking process was introduced. The debugging and trial operation of medium-consistency pressure screen in the process of making reconsitituted tobacco were summarized, it revealed that the concentration of the pulp entering into the pressure screen, the pressure difference of the entering pulp and the accepted pulp of the pressure screen, the flow rate of the tailings, the consistencies of the accepted pulp and the tailings played an important role in steady operation of the pressure screen. The pulp after beating under the same condition was received, the proportion of too long or too short fiber in the received pulp was reduced, the fiber length distribution was improved significantly. The percentage of the fiber retained in 20 mesh and in between 80~300 mesh decreased by 19.0%, 50.6%, respectively. The percentage of the fiber in between 20~50 mesh and in between 50~80 mesh increased 42.5%, 10.2%, respectively, beating degree of the pulp increased 33.8%, wet weight of the pulp decreased 19.8% after receiving, the variation of the basis weight, thickness, coated rate of the reconsitituted tobacco was no more than ±1.5%, tensile strength of reconsitituted tobacco increased 19.4% which was of benefit to reduce paper break times, increasing operational stability of the paper machine and the production efficiency.
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