Effect of Silane Modified Cellulosic Micro-nano Particles on Super-hydrophobicity of Material
关键词:  纳米纤维素  纤维素微纳颗粒  硅烷化  超疏水  氟硅烷
Key Words:nanocellulose  superhydrophobic  micro-nano particle  silanization  fluoroalkyl silane
朱兆栋1 1.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
郑学梅1 1.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
付时雨1,* 1.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
朱文远2 2.南京林业大学江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室江苏南京210037 
摘要点击次数: 10007
全文下载次数: 3432
摘要:利用纤维素纳米晶(CNC)经过喷雾干燥得到纤维素微纳颗粒(CNCmp),再用甲基三甲氧基硅烷(MTMS)进行硅烷化改性,配制成超疏水涂料喷涂于定性滤纸上制成超疏水滤纸。实验结果表明,硅烷化改性对于制备超疏水滤纸具有重要影响,在自制的硅烷化反应装置中,当MTMS用量为70μL,反应温度为25℃,反应时间10 min,获得的硅烷化改性CNCmp可制备超疏水滤纸。同时发现,分别使用1H,1H,2H,2H-全氟辛基三乙氧基硅烷(PFOTES)和MTMS对CNCmp进行改性后制备超疏水滤纸的效果相近。
Abstract:The feature of superhydrophobic material surface is micro-nano structure coated with low surface energy substance.The prepared CNC was spray-dried to obtain micro-nanoparticles(CNCmp), which was modified by chemical vapor deposition using MTMS.The modified CNCmps were used to prepare superhydrophobic coatings, and sprayed on the filter paper to form super-hydrophobic-filter-paper.The silanization reaction was critical for superhydrophobic coatings preparation.It was found that the amount of MTMS used in the silanization reaction in a designed device was optimized as 70 μL, the reaction temperature was 25℃, and the reaction time was 10 min. Silane modified micro-nanocellulose particles could be used to prepare superhydrophobic coatings.It was also found that there was no difference for the superhydrophobic materials prepared by modification using fluorosilane PFOTES and MTMS.
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