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提取木素并结合电解回收碱工艺处理制浆黑液 |
A Pulping Black Liquor Treatment Method Including Lignin Separating and Alkali Recovering by Electrolysis |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2019.01.003 |
关键词: 黑液 木素 UASB 反渗透 电解硫酸钠 |
Key Words:black liquor lignin UASB reverse osmosis electrolytic sodium sulfate |
基金项目:广西创新驱动发展专项资金项目(桂科AA17204067);国家自然科学基金项目(21868006)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6455 |
全文下载次数: 1975 |
摘要:采用传统碱回收方法处理黑液,在回收碱的过程中不仅烧掉了部分木素还会排放大量CO2,造成环境污染。为解决这一问题,介绍一种处理制浆黑液的新方法。该方法工艺流程包括:酸化提木素(A)、冷冻结晶脱盐(D)、上流式活性污泥反应(UASB)、反渗透过滤(RO)和电解硫酸钠(E)5个步骤。结果表明,经该方法处理后的木素得率为28.09%,碱生成速率为2.38 g/(h·L),电解硫酸钠溶液24 h碱回收率为50.64%,再生氢氧化钠的电能消耗为1.598 kWh/kg。 |
Abstract:Black liquor is always treated by traditional alkali recovery method in which the biomass including lignin is burned to reduce the organic pollutants; and a large amount of CO2 and other harmful gases are generated while generating sodium carbonate. In order to solve this problem, a new method was developed to treat pulping black liquor. The process included five steps: acidified precipitation(A), desalination by frozen crystallization(D), upflow activated sludge bed(UASB), reverse osmosis filtration(RO) and electrolysis(E). The experimental results ware, the yield of lignin was 28.09% of the mass of the black liquid, the alkali production rate was 2.38 g /(h·L), when electrolytic for 24 hours, the alkali recovery rate of sodium sulfate was 50.64%,the electric energy consumption was 1.598 kWh per 1 kg of sodium hydroxide. |
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