Effect Appraisal for Plasma Deacidification of Paper Relics and Archives
关键词:  纸质文献  脱酸保护;等离子体技术
Key Words:paper relic and archives  deacidification  plasma technology
李 玮1 1.南京市文化遗产保护研究所江苏南京210000 
施文正2 2.杭州众材科技有限公司浙江杭州310013 
徐绍艳2 2.杭州众材科技有限公司浙江杭州310013 
摘要点击次数: 7591
全文下载次数: 2169
Abstract:The study explored the effect of new plasma deacidification protection technology on the deacidification of different papers. The results showed that after deacidification of different papers by plasma technology, the pH value of the paper was maintained at about 8, and the tensile strength of the paper was also improved. After the artificial aging experiment, the deacidification effect remained stable. The color difference test of ink particles and pigments showed that after the paper was deacidified by plasma, the pH value of the paper was maintained at 7.5~8.9 and kept stable for a long time, and the tensile strength increased by 5% or more. After the aging experiment, the pH value of the paper decreased slightly; the tensile strength retention rate was above 90%; the paper surface was not smudged, the pigment did not fade, and the plasma deacidification treatment can ensure the stability of the ink and the pigment.
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