Experimental Study on Influence Factors Affecting Distribution Characteristic of Complementary Pulp Distributor
关键词:  互补布浆  影响因素  回流比  进料  混合室  布浆性能
Key Words:complementary distribution  influence factors  reflux ratio  feed  mixing chamber  distribution characteristic
刘 伟 广东石油化工学院机电工程学院广东茂名525000 
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Abstract:The distributor based on complementary distribution was designed by simplified design method. Distribution characteristic of complementary distributor was experimentally studied under different reflux ratio, fluctuation of flowed rate in the rectangular tapered distributors, different structure of mixing chambers.The results showed that when reflux ratio varied from 8%, 10%, 12% to 15%, distribution of mass flow rate out of mixing chamber was very closed to the expected values curve. The maximum deviation of mass flow rate was only 0.37%. When inlet amounts of two rectangular tapered distributors were not equal, uniformity of pulp distribution became worse. With increase of fluctuation of mass flow rate, deviation of mass flow rate of branch pipe increased significantly. The mixing effect of pulp in different mixing chamber structures was quite different. The maximum deviation of flow rate of branch pipe in the three structure mixing chambers were only -0.342%,-0.285%, 0.258% respectively.
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