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瓦楞纸板飞剪控制系统的设计及应用 |
Design and Application of Corrugated Board Flying Shear Control System |
收稿日期:2018-10-07 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2019.03.009 |
关键词: 瓦楞纸板 横切机 飞剪系统 模糊控制 |
Key Words:corrugated board cros-scutting machine flying shear system fuzzy control |
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摘要点击次数: 4824 |
全文下载次数: 2523 |
摘要:针对瓦楞纸板横切机剪切精度,设计了一种飞剪模糊自适应PI控制。该系统应用模糊控制理论对飞剪系统进行了参数优化,将飞剪位置比例调节控制改进为阶梯型位置控制环。结合西门子S7-300PLC,将瓦楞纸板生产线的剪切精度从±1 mm提升到±0.5 mm以内,满足实际生产要求。 |
Abstract:Aiming at the shearing precision of corrugated board cross-cutting machine, a flying shear fuzzy PI control was designed in this study. The system used fuzzy control theory to optimize the parameters of the flying shear system, and improved the proportional adjustment control of the flying shear position to a stepped control loop. Combined with Siemens S7-300PLC, the shearing accuracy of the corrugated board production line was increased from ±1 mm to ±0.5 mm, meeting the actual production requirements. |
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