Study on the Best Dispersing Technology of Chopped Carbon Fibers
关键词:  碳纤维  表面活性剂  分散剂  分散等级  沉降时间
Key Words:carbon fiber  surfactant  dispersant  dispersion grade  settling time
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目资助(编号: 2017YFB0308200 )。
华飞果1 1.浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司浙江衢州324400 
吴 帅1 1.浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司浙江衢州324400 
童树华1,* 1.浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司浙江衢州324400 
史景利2 2.天津工业大学材料学院天津300387 
摘要点击次数: 8880
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摘要:以3种长度2 mm、3 mm、5 mm的聚丙烯腈碳纤维为研究对象,以表面活性剂、分散剂聚氧化乙烯(PEO)和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为分散助剂,探讨表面活性剂、碳纤维长度、碳纤维悬浮液质量分数与分散剂种类、配比及用量对碳纤维分散性能的影响。结果表明,碳纤维长度和碳纤维悬浮液质量分数是影响碳纤维分散的重要因素;3 mm碳纤维在分散体系中质量分数0.1111%、分散剂用量0.0059%、分散剂配比PEO∶PAM=3∶1(质量比)、表面活性剂用量0.025%时,碳纤维在水中达到最佳分散状态,且沉降时间为9 min;分散剂可以帮助碳纤维更快地浸润到水中,加快分散速度。
Abstract:In this paper, polyacrylonitrile carbon fibers with length of 2 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm were used as the research object, surfactant, dispersant PEO and PAM were used as dispersing additives, and the effects of surfactant, fiber length and consistency, the type, ratio and dosage of dispersant on the dispersibility of carbon fibers in water were studied. The results showed that the length and consistency of carbon fiber were important factors affecting the dispersion of carbon fiber; When the consistency of 3 mm carbon fiber reached 0.1111%, the addition of dispersant was 0.0059%, and PEO∶PAM=3∶1, surfactant was 0.025%, the carbon fiber reached the best dispersion state, and the settling time reached 9 min. At the same time, the pretreatment of surfactant could help the fibers soak into water faster and accelerate the dispersion speed.
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