Study on the Properties of Graphene/TOCNs Thermal Conduction Composite
关键词:  石墨烯  TOCNs  导热系数
Key Words:graphene  TOCNs  thermal conductivity
贾峰峰1 1.陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
谢 璠1,2 1.陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安7100212.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州 510640 
宁逗逗1 1.陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
王丹妮1 1.陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
金崭凡1 1.陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
陆赵情1,* 1.陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
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摘要:以TEMPO氧化纳米纤维素(TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofiber,TOCNs)为基材, 石墨烯作为导热材料,通过真空辅助过滤制备了石墨烯/TOCNs导热复合材料,利用导热系数仪、热重分析仪(TG)、伺服材料多功能高低温控制试验机、多功能数字式四探针测试仪对石墨烯/TOCNs的导热性能、热稳定性、力学性能及电学性能进行了表征。结果表明,当石墨烯添加量40%时,石墨烯/TOCNs的导热系数为1.391 W/(m·K),比TOCNs的导热系数1.006 W/(m·K)提高38.27%;同时,石墨烯/TOCNs的热分解Tg10%为237.2℃,比TOCNs的Tg10%的214.8℃提高10.4%;石墨烯/TOCNs的拉伸强度为37.64 MPa,表面电阻降为87.75 Ω/□。
Abstract:Graphene/TOCNs thermal conducting composites using TEMPO Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers (TOCNs) as basic material and graphene as thermal conduction material were prepared via vacuum assisted filtration.Thermal conductivity, thermal stability, mechanics performance and electrical conductivity were characterized by thermal conductivity tester, thermo gravimetric analyzer (TG), sew multifunctional high and low temperature control testing machine and multifunctional digital four-probe tester, respectively.The results showed that the thermal conductivity of the composite material achieved a 38.27% enhancement from 1.006 W/(m·K) of the pristine TOCNs to 1.391 W/(m·K) when the content of graphene was 40%.The temperature of Tg10% thermal decomposition achieved a 10.4% promotion from 214.8℃of the pristine TOCNs to 237.2℃ when the content of graphene was 40%. Meanwhile, the tensile strength and surface resistance of graphene/TOCNs composite material achieved 37.64 MPa and 87.75 Ω/□ respectively when 40% graphene was added.
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