The Vibration Analysis of Water Accumulation in Dryer of Medium and High Speed Tissue Paper Machines
关键词:  烘缸积水  状态监测  振动分析  频域特征
Key Words:water accumulation in dryer  condition monitoring  vibration analysis  frequency characteristics
汤 伟1 1.陕西科技大学电气与信息工程学院陕西西安,710021 
税宇阳2,* 2.陕西科技大学机电工程学院陕西西安,710021 
王古月2 2.陕西科技大学机电工程学院陕西西安,710021 
摘要点击次数: 6622
全文下载次数: 2243
Abstract:It is a very practical research topic to judge whether the dryer has accumulated water from its vibration characteristics.Based on the study of the structure and water accumulation state of the dryer of medium and high speed tissue paper machines, the vibration characteristics of the dryer with water accumulation were presented by means of the vibration basic equation and the motion mechanics model analysis.Using the self-developed vibration test platform to complete FFT analysis of the practice test data, it was concluded that the frequency spectrum analysis of the vibration signal from the bearings at the operating side of the dryer of paper machines, could be used to find the vibration characteristics of water accumulating which could be further used for online judgment of whether there is accumulated water in dryer of the medium and high speed tissue paper machines.
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