Study on the Chlorine-free Short Sequence Bleaching Process of Kraft Bagasse Pulp
关键词:  硫酸盐蔗渣浆  高浓臭氧反应器  短序漂白  全无氧漂白
Key Words:sulfate bagasse pulp  high concentration ozone reactor  short sequence bleaching  total chlorine free
王璐 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院,广东广州510640 510640
刘明友 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院,广东广州510640 510640
乐飞 江苏康尔臭氧有限公司,江苏扬中212212 212212
李劲松 牡丹江恒丰纸业股份有限公司,黑龙江牡丹江157013 
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摘要:在尽可能模仿工厂实际生产条件下,采用酸处理-臭氧-过氧化氢(AZP)全无氯(TCF)短序清洁漂白生产流程对硫酸盐蔗渣浆漂白工艺参数进行研究。实验结果表明,硫酸盐蔗渣浆漂白最佳工艺条件为:Z段浆浓36%,pH值2.0,臭氧用量1.2%,臭氧浓度120 g/m3,反应时间30 min,室温下进行;P段浆浓10%,过氧化氢用量3.0%,反应时间120 min,反应温度90℃,NaOH用量0.8%。最终得到的漂白硫酸盐蔗渣浆白度85.6%、黏度559 mL/g以及卡伯值3.6。同时,与传统漂白工艺流程(OQP1P2、OP1ZP2)相比,采用AZP短序漂后废水污染负荷最低,漂后废水CODCr为760 mg/L、BOD5为90 mg/L以及色度为680 C.U.。
Abstract:With the conditions closely imitating the practice production of the mill, the parameters of sulfate bagasse pulp acid pretreatment-ozone-hydrogen peroxide (AZP) short sequence total chlorine free (TCF) bleaching process were studied. The experimental results showed that the optimum process conditions were: pulp consistency 36%, pH value 2.0, ozone dosage 1.2%,ozone concentration 120 g/m3, reaction time 30 min, at room temperature for Z-stage; for P-stage pulp consistency 10%, the peroxidation dosage 3%, reaction time 120 min, reaction temperature 90℃, NaOH dosage 0.8%. The whiteness, viscosity and Kappa number of the bleached kraft bagasse pulp were 85.6%, 559 mL/g and 3.57, respectively.At the same time, compared with the traditional bleaching processes (OQP1P2, OP1ZP2), the pollution load was the lowest when AZP short sequence bleaching was applied, CODCr value was 760 mg/L, BOD5 was 90 mg/L, and chroma value was 680 C.U.
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