Preparation and Functional Application of Porous Lignin/Cellulose Acetate Based Micro-nano Carbon Fibers
关键词:  木素  醋酸纤维素  静电纺丝  碳纤维
Key Words:lignin  cellulose acetate  electrostatic spinning  carbon fiber
夏久林 重庆科创职业学院重庆402160 402160
摘要点击次数: 4594
全文下载次数: 1047
摘要:采用静电纺丝的方法,通过调整木素与醋酸纤维素的质量比来制备具有多孔结构的前驱体纤维,然后经预氧化和碳化得到具有不同孔隙结构的木素/醋酸纤维素基微纳米碳纤维,并对制备所得的碳纤维进行傅里叶变换红外光谱、热重分析、场发射扫描电子显微镜、氮气吸附脱附以及亚甲基蓝吸附等表征。结果表明,木素与醋酸纤维素纺丝混合性良好,混纺之后前驱体纤维热稳定性与玻璃化转变温度均优于醋酸纤维素;当醋酸纤维素与木素质量比为8:2时,制备的多孔微纳米碳纤维直径较细,孔洞分布均匀,比表面积最大为173.42 m2/g,水接触角最大为129.3°,亚甲基蓝吸附量最优,吸附量达到49.30 mg/g,且循环使用7次之后其亚甲基蓝吸附量仍能达到初次使用的95%以上。
Abstract:In this paper, the porous precursor fiber was prepared with electrospinning by adjusting the mass ratio of lignin and cellulose acetate, which then undergo the pre-oxidation and carbonization process to obtain lignin/cellulose acetate based micro-nano carbon fibers. The spectrum of FT-IR and thermal stability analysis showed that lignin and cellulose acetate spinning solution were well mixed, and the thermal stability and glass transition temperature of the precursor fiber after blending were better than that of cellulose acetate.When the ratio of cellulose acetate to lignin was 8:2, the micro-nanocarbon fiber had smallest diameter, the pores were evenly distributed, the maximum specific surface area was 173.42 m2/g, and the maximum water contact angle was 129.3°. Methylene blue adsorption capacity was the best, reached 49.30 mg/g. Moreover, after using 7 cycles, its methylene blue adsorption capacity could still reach more than 95% of that of the initial use.
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