A Particle Size Analysis Method for Paper Filler Based on Computer Vision
关键词:  纸张填料  粒径分析  计算机视觉  连通域  欧拉数
Key Words:paper filler  particle size analysis  computer vision  connected component  Euler number
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助 61603234 61471227 61601271国家自然科学基金资助(项目编号:61603234,61471227,61601271)。
姚斌 陕西科技大学电子信息与人工智能学院陕西西安,710021 710021
何立风 陕西科技大学电子信息与人工智能学院陕西西安,710021
日本爱知县立大学 信息科学学院日本爱知,480-1198 
康世英 咸阳师范学院计算机学院陕西咸阳,712000 
赵晓 陕西科技大学电子信息与人工智能学院陕西西安,710021 710021
摘要点击次数: 5438
全文下载次数: 3678
Abstract:Aiming at the existing disadvantages of laser diffraction method used in particle size analysis of paper filler, a method for particle size analyzing of paper fillers based on computer vision was proposed. Firstly, the SEM images were preprocessed to remove noise and other factors affecting the statistics of particle size. Then, an improved watershed algorithm was used to segment the image. The particle size distribution of paper filler particles was determined by fast connected component labeling and Euler number algorithm. Finally, the result of particle size distribution from computer vision method was compared with those obtained by laser diffraction method. Experimental results of PCC paper filler images magnified 1500 times demonstrated that the particle size distribution of paper filler based on computer vision method was basically consistent with that measured by laser diffraction method with an error ratio less than 1% on median diameter. Moreover, the error ratio was about 6% when the cumulative particle size distribution reaches 85%.
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