油酸改性纳米Mg(OH)2 用于纸张脱酸
Deacidification of Papers by Using Oleic Acidmodified Mg(OH)2 Nanoparticles
关键词:  纳米Mg(OH)2  油酸改性  纸张脱酸
Key Words:nanoparticles of Mg(OH)2  oleic acid-modified  paper deacidification
基金项目:古籍脱酸增强修复关键技术与设备研发 GZDD201808古籍脱酸增强修复关键技术与设备研发(项目号:GZDD201808)。
王冉冉 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
李兵云 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
樊慧明 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 5120
全文下载次数: 3876
摘要:利用油酸对纳米Mg(OH)2粒子进行改性,使其均匀分散在六甲基二硅醚中,制备成稳定的脱酸液;并将该脱酸液喷涂在老旧纸张上进行纸张脱酸。结果表明,采用0.1 g油酸、1 g纳米Mg(OH)2、100 mL六甲基二硅醚,在反应温度50℃、反应时间1 h的条件下获得的改性纳米Mg(OH)2在六甲基二硅醚中具有良好的分散性,可作为脱酸液用于纸张的脱酸。当脱酸液涂布量为2.7 g/m2时,相对于未脱酸纸,脱酸纸的表面pH值得到了明显提高(从4.00提高到7.92),纸张抗张指数和撕裂指数基本没有变化;经加速老化处理后,脱酸纸表面pH值为7.60左右,抗张指数和撕裂指数稍有下降,但远低于未脱酸纸;加速老化后,脱酸纸的色差为0.64,符合纸张文物“修旧如旧”的原则。
Abstract:The nanoparticles of Mg(OH)2 modified by oleic acid were uniformly dispersed in hexamethyldisiloxane to form a stable deacidification liquid, which was sprayed on the aged paper to realize deacidification of the paper. It was observed that the modified Mg(OH)2 was prepared when 0.1 g of oleic acid treated with 1g of nanometer Mg(OH)2 at 50°C for 1 h, the modified Mg(OH)2 could well dispered and could be used for deacidification of paper. 1 g of oleic acid-modified Mg(OH)2 nanoparticles dispersed in 1L of hexamethyldisiloxane was used as deacidification liquid. When the deacidification liquid spraying amount was 2.7 g/m2, the pH value of the paper surface significantly improved (from 4.00 to about 7.92). The heat aging test indicated that the papers after deacidfication showed a good stability of pH value (about 7.60) the tensile index and tear index declined slightly but far later than that of undeacidified ones and the chromatic aberration was 0.64. The appearances of the paper before and after deacidification had little difference.
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