Preparation and Properties of Cellulose/ZnO Composite Film
关键词:  纤维素膜  ZnO  透光率  表面形态  热稳定性
Key Words:cellulose film  ZnO  transparency  morphology  thermal stability
刘茜 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
李顺 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
李建国 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
郑清洪 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
欧阳新华 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
曹石林 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
黄六莲 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
倪永浩 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
陈礼辉 福建农林大学生物质基功能材料研究中心福建福州350002 350002
摘要点击次数: 4815
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摘要:采用醋酸锌、乙醇和乙二醇甲醚比例为1 g200 μL10 mL配制ZnO前驱体溶液,然后将其旋涂在湿纤维素膜表面,进一步通过退火处理获得性能优异的纤维素/ZnO复合膜,并以纤维素/ZnO复合膜为衬底制备透明导电膜。研究表明,提高退火温度,纤维素/ZnO复合膜的透光率呈现先降低后趋于平稳的趋势。当旋涂转速为2000 r/min,退火温度为23℃时,纤维素/ZnO复合膜的透光率高达89.6%,升高退火温度至160℃,复合膜的透光率降低至86.3%。退火温度和旋涂转速会影响纤维素/ZnO复合膜的热稳定性能,升高退火温度和旋涂转速会提高复合膜的热稳定性能。在80℃和2000 r/min的处理条件下,可以制备形貌比较均匀的纤维素/ZnO复合膜;与纤维素膜相比,以纤维素/ZnO复合膜为衬底制备的透明导电膜,其电阻降低约65%。
Abstract:In order to prepare a transparent conductive film based on a cellulose/ZnO composite film, the ZnO precursor solution was prepared from zinc acetate,ethanol and ethylene glycol methyl ether based on the ratio of 1 g200 μL10 mL respectively, and then it's compounded with the cellulose film.Desirable cellulose/ZnO composite film was harvested by spin-coating and annealing treatments. The results showed that the increase of annealing temperature could slightly decrease the transparency of cellulose/ZnO composite film then following by a plateau. The cellulose/ZnO composite film presented a superior transparency of 89.6% at 23℃ of annealing temperature and 2000 r/min of spinning speed, and its transparency decreased of 86.3% due to the 160℃ of annealing temperature.In addition, both spin-coating and annealing treatments made important effect on the thermal stability of cellulose/ZnO composite film, where the thermal stability was promoted due to the improvement of annealing temperature and spinning speed. A desirable cellulose/ZnO film with uniform morphologies was prepared under the conditions of 80℃ of annealing temperature and 2000 r/min of spinning speed .
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