Preparation and Properties of Microfiltration Membranes Based on Fibrillarized Tencel Ultrafine Fibrils
关键词:  微滤膜  原纤化天丝超细纤维  可生物降解  匀度指数
Key Words:microfiltration membrane  fibrillarized Tencel ultrafine fiber  biodegradable  uniformity index
刘富亮 贵州梅岭电源有限公司特种化学电源国家重点实验室贵州遵义563000 563000
龙金 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510641 510641
赵堃宇 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510641 510641
摘要点击次数: 4973
全文下载次数: 3424
摘要:通过对天丝纤维进行预处理和原纤化,制备出可生物降解的天丝超细纤维。将天丝超细纤维和聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯纤维(PET)按一定的配比混合后,通过湿法成形工艺制备微滤膜。结果表明,天丝超细纤维具有较高的比表面积和较小的平均直径,比表面积可达到6.43 m2/g,平均直径为414 nm。当在微滤膜中添加20%原纤化天丝超细纤维(纤维-3)时,与未添加原纤化天丝超细纤维相比,微滤膜的匀度指数和平均孔径大幅下降,匀度指数从67.1降低到35.7,平均孔径从11.37 μm减小到3.14 μm,抗张强度从334 N/m提高到1180 N/m。
Abstract:Biodegradable Tencel ultrafine fibrils were prepared by pretreatment and fibrillation of Tencel fibers.The biodegradable Tencel ultrafine fibrils had higher specific surface area and smaller average diameter, the specific surface area could reach 6.43 m2/g and the average diameter was 414 nm. The microfiltration membrane for the experiment was prepared by wet forming process using the mixed Tencel ultrafine fibrils and PET fibers in a certain proportion. Compared with no fibrillarized Tencel ultrafine fibrils, when 20% fibrillarized Tencel ultrafine fibrils (fibers-3) were added to the microfiltration membrane, the uniformity index of the membrane decreased significantly from 67.1 to 35.7, and the average pore size decreased from 11.37 μm to 3.14 μm, tensile strength increased from 334 N/m to 1180 N/m.
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