Effects of Potassium and Sodium Content on Thermal Analysis Parameters of Cigarette Paper and Routine Smoke Components
关键词:  钾钠含量  卷烟纸  热分析参数  主流烟气  常规成分
Key Words:potassium and sodium content  cigarette paper  thermal analysis parameter  mainstream cigarette smoke  routine component
基金项目:安徽中烟工业有限责任公司科技计划项目 2017041 2017044安徽中烟工业有限责任公司科技计划项目(2017041; 2017044)。
郑丰 安徽中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,安徽合肥230088 230088
汪华 安徽中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,安徽合肥230088 230088
项磊 安徽中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,安徽合肥230088 230088
孔俊 安徽中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,安徽合肥230088 230088
胡永华 安徽中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,安徽合肥230088 230088
摘要点击次数: 4870
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摘要:为研究钾钠含量对卷烟纸热分析参数和烟气常规成分的影响,采用同步热分析仪获得了7种钾离子、钠离子含量不同的卷烟纸在氧化气氛中各失重阶段的热分析参数,并对其卷烟主流烟气中的常规成分进行了测量。结果表明,卷烟纸的热分解主要包括吸附水蒸发、纤维素热氧化分解、焦碳燃烧和碳酸钙分解等4个热失重过程;在卷烟纸中的柠檬酸根离子含量为0.74%~1.99%和钾钠离子总量为0.38%~0.99%范围内,卷烟纸中钾离子、钠离子含量的增加对主流烟气中水分无明显的影响,但其含量的增加会使总粒相物、烟碱、焦油和CO的释放量分别下降约0.91、0.14、1.0和1.7 mg/支。
Abstract:In order to study the effect of potassium and sodium content on the thermal analysis parameters of cigarette paper and the routine components in mainstream cigarette smoke, seven kinds of cigarette papers with different potassium and sodium content were analyzed by TG/DSC in oxidizing atmosphere,and thermal analysis parameters at different weight lossing stages were obtained. At the same time, the routine components in mainstream smoke of the cigarettes were made from the above cigarette paper were measured. The results showed that the weight lossing processes of the cigarette papers could be subdivided into four distinct stages, i.e. the loss of adsorbed water, the thermal oxidative degradation of the cellulose, the combustion of coke and the decomposition of calcium carbonate. Within the range of 0.74%~1.99% citrate ion and 0.38%~0.99% potassium and sodium ions, the change of potassium and sodium ions content in cigarette paper had no obvious effect on moisture in mainstream smoke, but the increase of their content could lead to the decrease of TPM(total particle material), nicotine, tar and CO by about 0.91、 0.14、 1.0 and 1.7 mg/cigarette, respectively.
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