Study on Raman Enhancement Technology for High Sensitivity Detection of Paper Additives
关键词:  拉曼增强  纸张添加剂  银纳米粒子
Key Words:Raman enhancement  paper additives  silver nanoparticles
孙玲 黄河交通学院河南焦作454950 454950
摘要点击次数: 4712
全文下载次数: 2733
摘要:通过溶胶自组装法制备了表面包覆有银纳米颗粒的高灵敏度和便携式表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)检测的球形光纤探针,然后在银纳米颗粒上面再沉积一层Parylene-C纳米薄膜实现球形光纤探针的可重复利用性。实验表明,沉积Parylene-C纳米薄膜的球形光纤探针重复使用50次仍基本没有变化,且清洗3 min后残留的罗丹明6G(R6G)分子即呈稳定状态;而未沉积Parylene-C纳米薄膜的球形光纤探针经过10次冲洗后峰值已变弱,且经过15 min的清洗R6G分子才趋于稳定。最后,利用包覆有银纳米颗粒的光纤探针对4种不同厂家生产的纸张进行了检测。结果表明,自制球形光纤探针可检测出纸张中浓度较低的添加剂成分,最低浓度为10-12 mol/L。
Abstract:In this project, high-sensitivity spherical optical fiber probes coated with silver nanoparticles and detected by portable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) were prepared by sol self-assembly method. The reusability of the probe was achieved by using silver nanostructures coated with Parylene-C nano-films, and there was no change after 50 times of reuse of the coated Parylene-C nano-films, and the residual R6G molecule remained stable after 3 min of cleaning, while the peak value of the uncoated Parylene-C nano-films weakened after 10 times of rinsing, The residual R6G molecule remained stable, after 15 min of rinsing. Finally, the papers from four different manufacturers were tested by using the optical fiber probe coated with silver nanoparticles. The experiment showed that the optical fiber probe could detect the additives with lower concentration in the paper. The lowest concentration was 10-12 mol/L.
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