Effects of Structure Property Fluctuation of Air Filter Paper on Filtration Performance
关键词:  空气过滤纸  SPSS软件  变异  阻力  过滤效率
Key Words:air filter paper  SPSS software  variation  resistance  filter efficiency
齐佩云 陆军防化学院北京102205 
严春晓 陆军防化学院北京102205 
金彦任 山西新华化工有限责任公司 山西太原030008 030008
赵婷 山西新华化工有限责任公司 山西太原030008 030008
臧传芹 陆军防化学院北京102205 
高缨 96901部队北京,100094 
张鸿鹏 陆军防化学院北京102205 
胡晓春 陆军防化学院北京102205 
程振兴 陆军防化学院北京102205 
摘要点击次数: 4912
全文下载次数: 2700
摘要:通过测试某型号空气过滤纸的厚度、定量、紧度、阻力和过滤效率,利用统计分析软件SPSS19.0进行数据分析,考察空气过滤纸厚度、定量与紧度波动对阻力和过滤效率的影响。结果表明,空气过滤纸厚度范围在0.376~0.420 mm时,对其阻力和过滤效率测量值均不存在显著性影响(α=0.05);定量为55.2~59.8 g/m2时,对阻力测量值有显著性影响(α=0.05),定量W与阻力Δp之间的线性回归方程为:Δp=2.641W,相关系数R2为0.817,定量对空气过滤纸的过滤效率测量值不存在显著性影响(α=0.05);紧度为0.139~0.152 g/m3时,对阻力和过滤效率测量值不存在显著性影响(α=0.05)。
Abstract:The thickness, basis weight, density, filtration resistance and filter efficiency of the random samples of a certain type of air filter paper were tested, and the data were analyzed by using SPSS19.0 software, and the influences of thickness, basis weight and density fluctuation on the measurements of filtration resistance and filter efficiency were investigated. Research results suggested that when the thickness of air filter paper was in 0.376~0.420 mm, there was no significant effect of the thickness on the measurements of both resistance and filter efficiency(α=0.05); when the basis weight was in 55.2~59.8 g/m2,it had a significant effect on resistance, and the linear regression equation between basis weight and resistance was Δp=2.641W, whose correlation coefficient R2 was 0.817,and there was no significant effect of basis weight on the measurement of filter efficiency(α=0.05); when the density was in 0.139~0.152 g/m3, there was no significant effect of the density on the measurements of both resistance and filter efficiency(α=0.05).
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