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钢制导热油烘缸的数值模拟与结构优化 |
Numerical Simulation and Structural Optimization of Steel Dryer with Oil Heating |
收稿日期:2019-08-02 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2019.11.008 |
关键词: 温度分布 温差 模拟仿真 结构优化 |
Key Words:temperature distribution temperature difference simulation sructural optimization |
山东省重点研发计划(2018GGX103006);国家自然科学基金(51675289)。 |
摘要点击次数: 4674 |
全文下载次数: 3357 |
摘要:针对钢制导热油烘缸在工作时出现工作表面温度分布不均匀、温差大等情况,采用三维建模和模拟仿真方法对钢制导热油烘缸的结构进行优化。本研究主要从3个方面对钢制导热油烘缸进行结构改进,分别是改变循环油路通道数量,改变进油槽与出油槽上孔的排列方式,改变循环油路的结构。研究结果表明,相对其他烘缸结构,具有循环油路通道数量为20个、进油槽与出油槽上孔为单排排列、循环油路两两相通的钢制导热油烘缸的性能更好,可以达到工作表面温度分布均匀、温差控制在±5℃以内的目的。 |
Abstract:Aiming at the uneven temperature distribution and the large temperature difference on the working surface of steel drying cylinder with oil heating during operation. The structure of the steel dryer was optimized by three-dimensional modeling and simulation. In this study, the structural improvement of the steel cylinder was mainly carried out from three aspects: changing the number of circulating oil pass-ages; changing the arrangement of the holes on the oil tank; and changing the structure of the circulating oil passage. The research results showed that the performance of the steel dryer with 20 circulating oil passages, the holes on the oil tank were arranged in a single row, and the circulating oil passages connected with each other was better than that of other dryer cylinders. It achieved the uniform distribution of working surface temperature and temperature difference in ±5℃. |
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