Preparation of Fly Ash Ceramsite and Its Application in Papermaking Wastewater Treatment
关键词:  粉煤灰陶粒  比表面积  有机高分子成孔剂  活性炭颗粒
Key Words:fly ash ceramic  specific surface  organic polymer pore forming agent  activated carbon particle
谢士兵 山东华泰纸业股份有限公司山东东营257000 257000
李猛 山东华泰纸业股份有限公司山东东营257000 257000
王友成 山东华泰纸业股份有限公司山东东营257000 257000
摘要点击次数: 4792
全文下载次数: 3244
摘要:通过正交实验法,研究了激发剂(生石灰与石膏按1∶1混合)、轻质材料、有机高分子成孔剂等因素和工艺条件对制备免烧粉煤灰陶粒比表面积等性能的影响,确定了最佳原料配比和制备工艺。实验结果表明,制备免烧粉煤灰陶粒的最佳原料配比为:粉煤灰71%,水泥10%,激发剂为10%,轻质材料7%,有机高分子成孔剂2%;最佳制备时间为8 h。自制免烧粉煤灰陶粒的性能指标为:比表面积12.94 m2/g,堆积密度0.71 g/cm3,吸水率19.5%,筒压强度4.01 MPa。采用自制免烧粉煤灰陶粒与活性炭颗粒在曝气生物滤池中的对比实验发现,自制免烧粉煤灰陶粒的生物性能与活性炭颗粒相近,但成本仅为活性炭颗粒的1/7,将自制免烧粉煤灰陶粒用于山东华泰纸业股份公司的废水处理,每年可节约费用150万元。
Abstract:The preparation technique of non-sintered ceramsite from fly ash was introduced. The effect of the amounts of cement, activator, light weight material and organic polymer as well as technological conditions on the specific surface area of self-made ceramsite were studied by using orthogonal experiment method. The optimum ratio of raw materials was found: fly ash 71%, cement 10%, activator 10%, lightweight material 7%, organic polymer porous agent 2%. The properties of self-made fly ash ceramsite were as follows: specific surface area 12.94 m2/g, bulk density 0.71 g/cm3, water absorption 19.5%, compressive strength 4.01 MPa. In this experiment, the optimum time for preparating non-sintered fly ash ceramsite was determined to be 8 h. Through the comparison test of self-made ceramsite and activated carbon particles in an aerated biological filter, the biological performance of self-made ceramsite was similar to that of activated carbon particles, but the cost of the ceramsite was only 1/7 of that of activated carbon particles. Its application in waste water treatment in Shandong Huatai Paper Industry Co., Ltd. annual cost could save of 1.5 million yuan ,with obvious benefit.
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