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间位芳纶纤维配比对泡沫成形体系中泡沫性质及纸张性能的影响 |
Effect of the Ratio of Meta-aramid Fiber on the Foam and Paper Properties in Foam Forming System |
收稿日期:2019-08-16 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2019.12.004 |
关键词: 间位芳纶纤维 配比 成形浓度 泡沫成形 纸张性质 |
Key Words:meta-aramid fibers ratio forming consistency foam forming paper properties |
国家重点研发计划(2017YFB0308300)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5084 |
全文下载次数: 3237 |
摘要:采用泡沫成形方法抄造间位芳纶纸,研究了泡沫成形体系下芳纶沉析纤维与短切纤维配比对泡沫性质及纸张性能的影响。结果表明,与水相成形方法相比,采用泡沫成形方法可使压榨后纸幅干度提高3个百分点。提高短切纤维含量,有利于提高湿纸幅干度、体系的起泡性能和泡沫稳定性。与水相成形相比,采用泡沫成形方法有利于分散长纤维,同时提高成形浓度。当达到相同的匀度指数时,采用泡沫成形方法可使抄纸成形浓度提高8倍;当成形浓度为0.4%时,泡沫成形制备的芳纶纸抗张指数与水相成形相比可提高35.4%,且击穿强度基本不受影响;因此,泡沫成形方法对于提高芳纶纸成形浓度、节约干燥能耗、改善纸张性能方面具有突出优势。 |
Abstract:Well dispersion of aramid fibers is very important to the properties of aramid paper. In this work, the effect of aramid fibrils/chopped fiber ratio on foam properties and paper properties in foam forming system was investigated. Results showed that foam forming could increase 3 percentage points dryness of paper after pressing. Forming consistency of aramid paper by foam-forming could be eight times higher than that of conventional forming when similar formation index was obtained. In addition, tensile index of foam-forming paper increased about 35.4% compared to conventional forming paper at forming consistency of 0.4%. Meanwhile, dielectric strength was not affected negatively. In conclusion, foam forming had great potential in energy saving and dispersion of long fibers. |
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