R&D and Application of New Type White Liquor Clarify Disk Filter
关键词:  苛化  压力盘式过滤机  白液  白泥  分配阀
Key Words:caustification  clarify disk filter  white liquor  lime mud  distribution valve
尹华 汶瑞机械(山东)有限公司, 山东安丘262100 262100
李建波 汶瑞机械(山东)有限公司, 山东安丘262100 262100
陈安江 汶瑞机械(山东)有限公司, 山东安丘262100 262100
李明芹 汶瑞机械(山东)有限公司, 山东安丘262100 262100
张文娟 汶瑞机械(山东)有限公司, 山东安丘262100 262100
辛华 汶瑞机械(山东)有限公司, 山东安丘262100 262100
摘要点击次数: 5460
全文下载次数: 3690
摘要:根据碱回收苛化工段已成熟运行的工艺技术和生产经验,通过消化吸收国内外白液压力盘式过滤机的先进技术及总结多种结构压力盘式过滤机的现场应用实践经验,以关键部件的研究、开发为重点,攻克了双层气压密封环式无分区分配阀、外置气缸式气动式反吹管、梯形孔式动密封环、封头内置下料箱紧凑型筒体等关键技术,研制了YPL-Ⅲ系列第三代新型白液压力盘式过滤机,过滤面积为245 m2。该白液过滤机首次投入印尼某大型浆纸厂,单机白液产量高于8000 m3/d,白液澄清度不高于23 mg/L,设备运行平稳可靠,达到预期设计目标。
Abstract:According to the mature process technology and production experience in caustification section, by absorbing and digesting the advanced technology of while liquor clarify disk filter( CD filter) at home and abroad, and summing up the field application experience of various structural type CD filters, focusing on the research and development of the key components, overcoming the key technologies of double-layer air pressure seal ring type non-zone distribution valve, external cylinder type pneumatic back-blow pipe, trapezoidal hole type dynamic seal ring, head built-in outlet box compact cylinder, the third generation of YPL-III series new type CD filter was developed. The new type filter with a filtration area of 245 m2 was first put into operation in a large pulp and paper mill in Indonesia, the white liquor production was over 8000 m3/d, and clarity was no more than 23 mg/L, it has been running smoothly and stably.
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