Pilot Study of Catalyzed Ozonation for Treatments of Secondary Effluents and Reverse Osmosis Concentrate of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater
关键词:  造纸废水  催化臭氧氧化  反渗透浓水  二级生化出水
Key Words:pulp and paper mill wastewater  catalytic ozonation  reverse osmosis concentrate  secondary effluent
何灿 中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院北京100083 100083
黄祁 中持水务股份有限公司北京100192 100192
王建兵 中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院北京100083 100083
摘要点击次数: 4949
全文下载次数: 3041
摘要:采用催化臭氧氧化法处理造纸废水反渗透(RO)浓水和二级生化出水,探讨了臭氧用量、反应时间对CODCr去除率的影响。结果表明,采用催化臭氧氧化法处理RO浓水,当臭氧用量为75 mg/(L·h)、反应时间为120 min时,CODCr去除率超过70%。采用催化臭氧氧化法处理二级生化出水时,当臭氧用量为100 mg/(L·h)、反应时间为90 min时,CODCr去除率超过60%,出水CODCr可稳定在30 mg/L以下,满足河北省地方标准DB 13/2795—2018《大清河流域污染物排放标准》中关于重点控制区域的排放限值要求。中试和工程运行结果表明,在造纸废水RO浓水和二级生化出水的催化臭氧氧化处理中,工艺运行稳定可靠。
Abstract:The catalytic ozonation technology was used for the treatment of secondary effluent and reverse osmosis concentrate of pulp and paper mill wastewater, respectively. The influences of ozone dosage and reaction time on CODCr removal rate were investigated. The optimal operating parameters were determined. The CODCr removal rate was above 70% with the ozone dosage of 75 mg/(L·h) and reaction time of 120 min for the treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate. The CODCr removal rate was above 60% with the ozone dosage of 100 mg/(L·h) and reaction time of 90 min for advanced treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater, and the CODCr value of the effluent from the pilot-scale system was below 30 mg/L, which could steadily meet the emission limit requirements for key control areas in the Discharge Standard of Pollutants in the Daqing River Basin (DB 13/2795—2018 Hebei province). Pilot test result showed that catalytic ozonation was a promising environmental-friendly technology in the pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment.
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